norm 15 Report post Posted July 12, 2017 I think it would be a good idea to make a 1980s style tv intro to your videos 1 The Raja reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Raja 292 Report post Posted July 12, 2017 what do you mean? please explain more and why this would be good for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Delete this forum account Report post Posted August 2, 2017 I'm replying to this as well, because I also want to kno , what you were thinking about? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
N Camico 28 Report post Posted August 2, 2017 When I hear that, I think of something like the intro to shows like Who's The Boss or Mr. Belvedere. Could be funny, but I'm not sure if it's worthwhile to sink the resources into making something like that actually look good. There's a thin line between being campy and just being awful when it comes to parody like that. 2 HoosierSlots and The Raja reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoosierSlots 60 Report post Posted August 23, 2017 I know this post has not been revisited in a few, so I decided to comment. So many great ideas have already been used by other slot channel though. I would have to say that the casino o realness videos of sdguy1234 would have to be my favorite so far. I could imagine Scott, Brian, and T rolling into valay parking, with Scott throwing up his keys of his lambo to the valee. I could also see a doormen opening the door of the casino to him, a sign of respect and appreciation. Now this is the part I have considered a variety of different outcomes. I think it would be great for them to walk into the casino with rows of bombsquad members with #boom shirts on, to 3 different 3 reel slot machines. Whenever the Raja, Brian, and T reach them they each hit a jackpot of #Boom #Boom and #Boom and finally a 4rth machine initiates and lines up to Thebigjackpot. Just an idea that could have different variations though; of course the Simpsons have already done everything so not sure if this would be entirely original! Lol. Would love to hear ideas from others! 1 The Raja reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoosierSlots 60 Report post Posted August 23, 2017 Anyone else have any ideas? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jeff Patterson 126 Report post Posted August 23, 2017 What your describing is very similar to the intro to Shark Tank on ABC. I think most people are familure with sequence for each Shark. Way not Scott, Brian and Tee. It could be a look of "Rich Guy" "Everyday Guy" or Satirical Humorous Guy". At the end you have a group shot of the 3 of them. I say let Scott, Brian, and Tee create their own image using all props they can think of to elevate their image for The Big Jackpot. Shark Tank Producers take many shots to come out with the "Filthy Rich Look" Admittedly the producers staged some of the shots behind some props not owned by the Sharks themselves. It has to be Original and something the other channels haven't done! It's time for The Big Jackpot to be the Trend on You Tube... 1 The Raja reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoosierSlots 60 Report post Posted August 23, 2017 I have never watched shark tank actually. I actually intended for this post to have a positive vibe and not negative. I have heard about the show though. I know it has billionaires on it trying to make money. I know Scott is well off, which is good for me cause I appreciate his vids and the amount he bets. I watch slot videos and can appreciate the intros to certain videos based on their personalities. This was just a creative idea on how I myself pictured him. I did not suggest to create this post, but saw it and thought to myself what a wonderful idea on giving suggestions to someone I appreciate. You say let Scott, Brian and Tee create their own image; that is what they do during there game play and is why I watch them; I watch other slot channels and even if they loose I give them a thumbs up. This was just an idea for an intro to their video. You should have taken the time to view previous comments because Raja, as well as moderators responded. If they were offended by an original post suggesting ideas for an intro I am quite sure he would have said something, he does not seem to cut about the bush. Now as far as to my idea not being original, The Simpsons probably already did it; 10 to 1 you do not get that! If you need further explanation I would be happy to explain my original post. Bad new though it is not time for the Big Jackpot to become a trend on YouTube, because it has been happening for a while now! 1 The Raja reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HoosierSlots 60 Report post Posted August 23, 2017 Jeff, you have seriously just wasted my time. I have spent the last two hours looking at intros to Shark Tank and I actually watched a few full videos. So please explain what is the difference between walking off a runway and pulling in on a lambo, jumping out and acting badass! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jeff Patterson 126 Report post Posted August 23, 2017 There was absolutely nothing negative or offensive in that post at all.... I was replying to the "Original Post" by Norms about the 1980's tv video intro.. and everyone else. That's what this forum is for?.. I'm not sure where all this "anger" is coming from but I think you've taking something way to literally. You have a nice day. jeff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MphsAL 3 Report post Posted January 29, 2018 I'd love to see an intro for your videos where some of the casino's in vegas were leveled to the ground and you could have the big jackpot logo and boom 1 The Raja reacted to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites