It seems people want to turn you guys into reality TV stars. This is a slot channel. Do you seriously want to walk around, or have someone else walk around and film going to the pool or restaurants, or the VIP lounge, or what your suite looks like, and taking trips to Vegas reporting on casino, hotels, and buffets. There's already plenty of you tube videos and Vegas forums online with trip reports for that information.
Keep it simple and real. Don't overload with videos for everything. Keep your mystique about you. It's no one's business what you do during the day, or how you live your life. You got people who claim to be your biggest fans already and want to meet you. They're asking you to come visit their casinos, some are acting like stalkers.Your rich, we get it. Most of your viewers can't afford to gamble like you.That's what makes your channel so interesting. Flaunting wealth or showing people places and things we can never afford is just going to make some of us feel uneasy.
Driving to the casino and taking time to answer some of your subscribers questions, giving updates, having open contests and giveaways, not just for Patreon members. Your recent Cosmo trip was good, filming your upcoming slot tournament will be good also.Consider adding a female to your entourage. Granted we don't want to get bored, but there is always the possibility that people want more or they move on. Eventually your going to have to do live feeds from other casinos besides the Lodge. You'll be the biggest slot channel soon enough.
Family first.