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Everything posted by Monty

  1. Monty

    added icons to display name in app. now can't log in

    Create a new account and I'll send you some.
  2. Monty

    First 3 jackpots in a day

    WoW! Now that is a great night! BOOM BOOM BOOM!
  3. Monty

    Baller on a budget youtube channel

    Hey Ross! I saw that video a few weeks ago! That was wild and congrats!
  4. Monty

    Howdy Im Ross from Texas

    Hi BeeHive! I'm DammitDan, I hope we met as well
  5. Monty

    Hi everyone I'm Duder

    Hi Duder, welcome
  6. Monty

    I'm Ms.Piggee from Arkansas

    Welcome! Have you been to Winstar?
  7. Monty

    New Games

    Hi Brad! Thanks for the suggestion. I know Scott said they will be adding more games in the future, so hold on tight!
  8. Monty

    My biggest Jackpot!!!

    that is something
  9. Monty

    My biggest Jackpot!!!

  10. Monty


  11. Monty

    Hi I'm Becky

    Hi Becky, welcome to #Bombsquad
  12. Monty


    which team?
  13. I know anytime I go its a gamble, so I don't figure in the math. It's all play money for me 1-2k a visit. If I leave with zero, it was intended lol
  14. Monty

    Aloha from Hawaii

    Welcome Dman808
  15. Monty

    How to become a patreon memeber? you can support TBJ here.
  16. Monty

    2nd Handpay of the year

  17. Monty


    Hi Duder!
  18. Monty

    Hello from Philly area

    welcome Alahyo!
  19. Monty

    Help I need raja

    always remember there is things much worst than this.. like living in the medieval era with no plumbing, trash pick up, and running water. life is good
  20. Monty

    New uk member

  21. Monty

    New Games

    it updates once in a while and u have to be chosen to do the beta versions.
  22. Monty

    Hi I'm joshua

  23. Monty

    My 2nd Biggest, 1st spin

    #BOOM! nice hit!
  24. Monty

