I attended my first live TBJ event at Foxwoods this past weekend. If you ever find yourself on the fence about going...GO! It was run incredibly well and everybody had a fantastic experience.
What struck me the most was how much work had to go into this event. Who knew that having so much fun was so much work? When I go to an event like this, I feel guilty taking up their time even just to say thank you as I know how many directions they are going in trying to get everything done so if I forgot to say thank you I will do it here.
Now we all know about Scott and Brian and Tee but behind the scenes they do way more then you may think and for the helpers behind the scenes, all I can say is WOW!..They deserve a huge thank you. Thank you to J Money, Lightning Joe, Kelly, Juicy and others. There were more and It was such a blur I forget all the names and I apologize for that, but Thank you all! Foxwoods also did a tremendous job. Scott had negotiated something like 100 free rooms for the attendees. WOW!!! The casino staff were also amazing and well organized to handle the slot tournament and have the machines reserved and ready for the group pulls.
Finally, the attendees were amazing people. Everybody was so nice and positive It was really a pleasure to meet people. I kinda knew they would be but it's still nice to confirm that. TBJ has great fans. I was looking forward to the cruise but even more so now.
Thanks again!