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  1. 2 points

    Albuquerque Jackpots

    Hello I have been watching Raja for awhile now and I am a huge fan. Last night's live stream had me thinking of my biggest wins in terms of bet x win and I figured I would post some of my cool hits. I live and play in Albuquerque so the majority of our machines here are penny slots but I have hit jackpots on tons of them. If you guys are interested in these I will post a lot more. I like sharing what is possible especially on the lower denomination machines! So here are the hits: Wicked Winnings II - $2.50 bet to win $4,500 is an 1800x win
  2. 1 point

    Albuquerque Jackpots

    Awesome hits. Glad you guys had a great weekend!!!!
  3. 1 point

    Stotfest East

    I attended my first live TBJ event at Foxwoods this past weekend. If you ever find yourself on the fence about going...GO! It was run incredibly well and everybody had a fantastic experience. What struck me the most was how much work had to go into this event. Who knew that having so much fun was so much work? When I go to an event like this, I feel guilty taking up their time even just to say thank you as I know how many directions they are going in trying to get everything done so if I forgot to say thank you I will do it here. Now we all know about Scott and Brian and Tee but behind the scenes they do way more then you may think and for the helpers behind the scenes, all I can say is WOW!..They deserve a huge thank you. Thank you to J Money, Lightning Joe, Kelly, Juicy and others. There were more and It was such a blur I forget all the names and I apologize for that, but Thank you all! Foxwoods also did a tremendous job. Scott had negotiated something like 100 free rooms for the attendees. WOW!!! The casino staff were also amazing and well organized to handle the slot tournament and have the machines reserved and ready for the group pulls. Finally, the attendees were amazing people. Everybody was so nice and positive It was really a pleasure to meet people. I kinda knew they would be but it's still nice to confirm that. TBJ has great fans. I was looking forward to the cruise but even more so now. Thanks again!
  4. 1 point


    Looking forward to enjoying the play and hopefully to see the Raja & crew at San Manuel when he plays there.
  5. 1 point

    Albuquerque Jackpots

    I could not upload multiple pics in the original post so here are the others: Forgot the name of the slot but its the giant circular one 6 machines and giant roulette wheel on top. $5.00 bet to win $12,105.30 is a 2421x win Dangerous Beauty was a $10 bet to win $10,000 is a 1000x win was a cool hit full screen of wilds and the second Konami full screen of wilds was odd because I hit it about 20 minutes after the $10k hit and that one was a $12.50 bet for a $2,500 win only 200x but cool to hit 2 full screen of wilds in the same session!
  6. 1 point
    April 22 on the Norwegian Getaway We are ready to start initial booking, if you want to join us and get an official offer or comp please send me the following details. Email all info brian@won.com Passenger names and DOB main contact mailing address, phone number and email. Your NCL Latitudes Number (if you sailed before) If your not in the system for NCL or if there is minimal play please send the following to help get you the best deal or comp rooms. Local Casinos rewards and players number. Foxwoods, Total Rewards and many others have partnerships that they can easily verify play. Cruise offers from casinos or cruise lines you get by mail. Amy prevailing NCL offers will qualify, to make sure you can attend all the events and get all the special gifts please make sure you book with us as the prices and comps will be the same or better as you can get elsewhere.